The Girl: Juliet, Julie, Jules. 27. 5'3". Proud Canadian and Toronto resident. University girl no longer, recent addition to the real world. Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius. Owner of 1 blog, 1 website, and 1 fanlisting, which is enough for now. Insane. Honest. Loyal. Caring. Occasionally witty. Dreamer. Realist. Dork. Oxymoron. Walking contradiction. Addicted to Buffy, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Our Lady Peace, Savage Garden, movies, various movie people, fanlistings, fanfiction, the Internet, and addictions. ( More? )
Blogger Profile Blogger code: B9 d- t- k s+ u-- f- i o+ e- l+ c (decode) Geek code: GB d-@ s: a-- C++ U? P L E? W++ N o? K- w+ O? M V? PS(++) !PE Y PGP- t !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI-- D+ G e>++(*) h! !r x? (decode) Buffy geek code: OS++ FB= VAus DCa++ S+++ MU+++ N+ CS(B/A, Wi/O, Wi/T, X/Ay) US+ FF+ SP W+ II 2.22
It's that time again. That I'm too stressed out, lazy, tired, busy and/or annoyed at my currently borderline-operational Internet connection to actually write anything but I still wanna post something time. You knew it'd be back eventually, right? :) (No, really. In the past hour in which I've done nothing but attempt to use the Internet, Jack Bauer could have saved the United States again.)
Anyway, let's hope this posts properly. Have fun. You probably know the drill, but for those of you who don't... Instructions: - Open your playlist and set it to random - Select your favourite line from each of the first 20 songs that play and post them - Others guess what song the line is from
And I added one new rule this time: only one song per artist, so repeats were skipped.
I don't wanna hear you tell me "shut up" again / yeah, I heard you. / My whole life is flashing / right before my eyes / no more fabricated hellos / and no more sad goodbyesBif Naked, "My Whole Life" - identified by Suzy Q
I blame myself for being too much like somebody elseOur Lady Peace, "4AM" - identified by Suzy Q
And I'm charmed, charmed, charmed / Glad to take a ride / You're a song, song, song my friend / For lunch we'll split a book and a banana pieSarah Slean, "Me & Jerome" - identified by LJ user elizalavelle
I don't know your thoughts these days / We're strangers in an empty space / I don't understand your heart / It's easier to be apartKeane, "We Might As Well Be Strangers" - identified by Andrea
Well baby I surrender / To the strawberry ice cream / Never ever end of all this love / Well I didn't mean to do it / But there's no escaping your loveCounting Crows, "Accidentally in Love" - identified by Suzy Q
You were hiding out in the open / Searching so hard / For a kiss that lasts forever / There on the boulevard Chantal Kreviazuk, "Julia"
You say you packed my things / And divided what was mine / you're off to the mountain top / I say her skinny legs could use sunTori Amos, "Putting the Damage On" - identified by Suzy Q
When I counted up my demons / Saw there was one for every day / With the good ones on my shoulders / I drove the other ones awayColdplay, "Everything's Not Lost" - identified by Andrea
You see 'em drop like flies from the bright sunny skies / They come knocking at your door with this look in their eyes / You've got one good trick and you're hanging on, you're hanging on to itBen Folds, "Not the Same" - identifed by Suzy Q
Because the fact being that / Whatever is in front of me is coloring my view / So I can't see what I'm seeing, in fact / I only see what I'm looking through Fiona Apple, "Window"
I know why you're waiting / Give me time breathe / Before you take my heart now / And just get up and leave / For I won't stop you / I will open my door / My heart is here waiting / I don't need it no moreDido, "Worthless" - identified by Andrea
With nothing to do you'd waste away / Obscure in exile / They've witnessed the times / You've gone astrayThe Tea Party, "Heaven Coming Down" - identified by Suzy Q
And I've got plenty of time / Time to figure it out / Time to think about you and me / Whatever that was all about / Got nothing to prove / Got nothing to say / No I guess I never thought you / were good for me anywayKim Ferron, "Nothing But You" - identified by LJ user elizalavelle
You're on the other side of the mirror / So nothing's looking quite as clearNo Doubt, "Sunday Morning" - identified by LJ user elizalavelle
Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam / Or maybe I'll go to Rome / And rent me a grand piano and put some flowers 'round my room / But let's not talk about fare-thee-wells now / The night is a starry dome. Joni Mitchell, "Carey"
From the picture on the wall / To the bed post that touched them all / This is where I live / This is where I do my screamin'Holly McNarland, "Beautiful Blue" - identified by LJ user elizalavelle
But don't be ashamed to cry, let me see you through / 'Cause I've been in the dark side too / When the night falls on you, and you don't know what to do / Nothing you confess could make me love you lessThe Pretenders, "I'll Stand By You" - identified by Aster
But right now / Everything you want is wrong, / And right now / All your dreams are waking up, / And right now / I wish I could follow you / To the shores / Of freedom, / Where no one livesJoseph Arthur, "Honey and the Moon" - identified by LJ user elizalavelle
(which is pretty much the title I could have given to every post on here, really.)
The TV series Bones has been renewed for a second season. Yay! I didn't want to get my hopes up too soon, but now it seems I'm good to go. :)
RENT the musical is coming to Toronto's Elgin Theatre for 6 days in May, from the 9th to the 14th. Other than the ticket ordering page on Ticketmaster, though, I can't find any information about this production and it's not even on Elgin Theatre's site yet. Anyway, tickets for that went on sale this morning... If anyone knows anything about this, do tell.
I tracked down (online) an old friend of mine from elementary school, and I've got a current e-mail address for her...only she's done so many very, very impressive things that I kind of don't want to try to contact her. You know? Because, I don't know, it's intimidating. It's like when you go to a class reunion -- you want to have something to show for that's at least as impressive-sounding as what any of your former classmates tell you. Other than attending university for 4 years, in my hometown, and securing (sort of) a job for next year, what exactly do I have going for me in terms of achievements, or even extracurricular activities, for that matter? I don't know. I could just say to hell with it and just contact her anyway. I suppose it's worth a shot. But um...not right now. Maybe later. Maybe not. Did I mention that she's been up to some very impressive things since I last saw her?
Anonymous question: When are you going to change this layout? Well, like I've said: before the end of the school year. Which, theoretically, is in three weeks from now. So, er, let's include the two weeks I have off between the end of classes and the beginning of exams (and possibly the time during the actual exam period, too) in that timeframe, shall we?
So I don't have 3 assignments due consecutively over 3 days next week? I was wrong about being wrong about the due date changing? (It was the 28th, then the 21st, and then I thought it had moved back to the 28th, and then I thought I was wrong about it and that it was still the 21st.) I don't think I've gotten a more relief-giving e-mail ever from such an unexpected source! (Of course, supportive e-mails from friends always cheer me up, but then hearing from friends always cheers me up, and hence e-mails from friends are not an unexpected source of relief. Heh.)
Our Lady Peace have just announced their North American (well, actually, looks like all the shows are in Canada...) tour dates, which has unwittingly stressed me out in a couple of ways:
They aren't coming to Toronto.
The closest concerts to me are in London and Kitchener, Ontario, but they are two days and one day before my last final, respectively.
The most logical one that I could possibly go to on May 16th is in, of all places, Ottawa. Which, I guess, could be reason for a day trip or something.
Would anyone GO with me? To Ottawa?
Do I *want* to go to Ottawa?
Won't watching the special March 15th television broadcast of the concert OLP had back in November be good enough?
Why aren't they coming to Toronto again, dangnamit?
It's totally not fair for the fan club members to currently be buying-up all the tickets anyhow.
Will they announce more dates later...? That might be unlikely...
Great, the first tour in years (and people can actually BUY TICKETS for this, unlike the last several shows, for which you had to WIN THEM), and it comes at the worse time ever and not in my city. Bah, humbug.
Tour dates 26.04.06: Victoria, BC - Save On Foods Centre 27.04.06: Vancouver, BC - Vancouver Centre for Performing Arts 28.04.06: Vancouver, BC - Vancouver Centre For Performing Arts 30.04.06: Kelowna, BC - Prospera Place 01.05.06: Calgary, AB - Southern Alberta Jubilee Theatre 02.05.06: Edmonton, AB - Rexall Place 03.05.06: Saskatoon, SK - TCU Place 07.05.06: London, ON - John Labatt Centre 08.05.06: Kitchener, ON - Centre in the Square 09.05.06: Montreal, QC - Metropolis 12.05.06: Halifax, NS - Metro Centre 13.05.06: Moncton, NB - Moncton Coliseum 15.05.06: Quebec City, QC - Theatre Capitol 16.05.06: Ottawa, ON - Scotiabank Place
I would link you all to the ticketing page, but, you know...that's kind of against my best interests. ;)
Edit, 03/10/06: Oh, I totally didn't even notice that I mentioned "aren't coming to Toronto" twice on that list, above. Anyway, my minion concert-accompanying friend Susan (seriously. Since she went to her first concert, she's gone with me to all but 1 1/2 shows that I've been to) says she'll go with me to Ottawa, and we are now ticketed. :)
Okay, so first things first: anyone who [still] has access to their university e-mail account, go and join Facebook now. It's fascinating, though I could hardly tell you's a site that theoretically helps you stay connected with friends, and it's been interesting trying to remember how I first met some of them. (Tiffany in particular...I don't actually remember meeting you -- I've just sort of always known you, lol! And if you ask Susan, the time she met me would be different from the time I first remember meeting her...and yes, that is strange. Blame it on my inadequate memory capabilities.)
Secondly: The Phantom of the Opera is coming to the Canon Theatre in Toronto starting in February/March 2007. *squees and woots* Like, OMG. Maybe I can right that wrong I took by opting out of going to see the show the last time it was playing in town -- I was younger then, and I thought the show/Phantom would be too scary. :) I think I could probably take it by now... lol. But, sigh, I'll be working then, and who knows how much time I'll have to go and take in a show? Oh, what am I saying? I'LL MAKE FRIGGIN' TIME, GOSHDARNIT.
Lastly: I think I have decided to maybe change my MovieList of 20 favorite movies. The new list is here. Bonus points to you (or, you know, I'll make you an icon or somethin') if you can tell what changed [in the main list only; I'm not entirely mad just yet].
Do I happen to have an mp3 of a song that you want? Check my list here and see if there's anything you need. Send me your e-mail address and state the song you want and I'll send the mp3 to you using, or SendSpace. :)
Music I need
There are the mp3s I'm looking for. If you have any of these and wouldn't mind sharing it with me, please use, or SendSpace to send it to me at verbatim119[at] Thanks much! :D
- none right now
Current Conditions
Right now, I am: feeling: reading: n/a. Last completed: City of Glass. working on: keeping optimistic listening to:LAUNCHcast Radio
loving: stories not liking: uncertainty anticipating: (chronological)
- Shutter Island
- Alice in Wonderland
- Deathly Hallows ( view complete list with dates )
Uppers and downers:
Ý new friends
Ý fiction
ßß the unknown
ßß lethargy
Most recent purchase(s):
eBay gift for a friend
Lesson #65: When you are running late or you are low on time, you will always be driving behind the slowest car possible.
Last download: Vampire Weekend albums
Last movie seen at a theater: The Princess Bride
Last movie seen on video/other: Starstruck
Quote of the moment:
"We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition." — High Fidelity
Lyrics of the moment: I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Oh God I miss that show
Misspelling/factual/grammatical error of the moment:
"Visitors Parking"